جنسية أمي حق “طبيعي” لي

أتذكر بوضوح حديثاً دار بيني وبين سيدة مغربية قبل فترة، وأتذكر بوضوح ما شعرت به وهي تتحدث عن تفكيرها في العودة إلى المغرب مع أولادها الذين لم يزوروا المغرب قط ولكن يمكنهم الحصول على الجنسية المغربية بكل بساطة لمجرد أنّ أمهم مغربية. وأتذكر بوضوح أنني لم أشعر بالغيرة من دولة تعامل بناتها كمواطنات كاملات بقدر ما شعرت بالغيظ من أنّ تلك الفكرة البديهية نفسها ما زالت قضية تثير الجدل حيث أعيش، وتتطلب حملات حقوقية واعتصامات ومحاولات بائسة لإقناع مجموعة من المسؤولين بأنّ منح الرجل حق إعطاء جنسيته لأبنائه بغض النظر عن جنسية أمهم يقضي بالضرورة والمنطق منح الحق ذاته للمرأة التي لا تقل مواطنة ولا أردنية عنه.0

ولعل المفارقة في الأمر إصرار المعارضين لمنح هذا الحق على خطورة إقرار ه خوفاً من دخول عناصر غريبة إلى نسيج المجتمع الأردني أو بالمعنى الدارج “أن يكون العريس داخل على طمع”، ذلك أنّ كل مواطن أردني على الأرجح خلال مرحلة ما من حياته عرف شخصاً ما شد الرحال إلى أمريكا باحثاً عن “بنت حلال” تؤمن له جرين كارد أو جواز سفر كندي – هذا إن لم يكن هو ذلك الشخص نفسه- لكن بالطبع يحق للأردني ما لا يحق لغيره، أو بالأحرى يحق للرجل الأردني ما لا يحق لغيره.0

لكن في الحقيقة ليس هذا هو السبب الوحيد، أو على الأقل هذا ما استنتجته من التصريح “المذهل” الذي قرأته قبل أيام لأحد المسؤولين حيث يتساءل: “كيف يمكن لعاقل المطالبة بإعطاء الكوري المتزوج من أردنية حق الترشح للبرلمان؟”. مجرد قراءة هذا التصريح جعلتني أدرك أنّ المشكلة أعمق مما نتصور، المشكلة متجذرة المشكلة متجذرة في عقل الرجل العربي القبلي الذي يأبى إلا أن “ينزل ابنة عمه عن ظهر الفرس”، أو بمعنى آخر يرفض أن يزاحمه ىأحد فيما “يملك” كون المرأة ما زالت تعد من الممتلكات لدى البعض من رجالنا، سواءً كان ذلك على مستوى الوعي أو اللاوعي. كيف يمكن أن نسمح للكوري الغريب بالزواج من أردنية والدخول إلى القبيلة واستباحة مضاربها بل وقد يتجرأ ويطالب بأن يصبح عضواً في مجلس الأجواد أيضاً؟ بل وكيف تجرؤ امرأة من القبيلة أصلاً أن تفضل شخصاً من خارجها على أحد أبناء عمومتها؟ وطبعاً أبناؤها الذين ستنجبهم سيكونون ابناء الدخيل، الغريب، وهم بالتالي غرباء، فلا والله لا جنسية لهم ولو “طلعت عيونهم وعيون أمهم”.0

ولو إني شخصياً أشك في أنّ المسؤول المذكور آنفاً كان يقصد الإخوة الكوريين بكلامه، إلا أنني سأجاريه وأفترض جدلاً أننا نتحدث عن أردنية متزوجة من كوري يرغب في الترشح للبرلمان الأردني، أو يرغب ابنه الكوري شكلاً وبحكم أصل الأب فقط لا غير بالترشح لمجلس الحكماء والعظماء المذكور. أولاً، أنا ليس عندي أي إحصائيات لكن بصراحة على المستوى الشخصي وخلال تسعة وعشرين عاماً على وجه الأرض لم أعرف امرأة أردنية متزوجة من رجل كوري، وإن وجد هذا الشخص فلا أعرف ما هي نسبة احتمال ترشحه لمجلس النواب. لكن ما علينا، فلنفترض جدلاً أن كل تلك الشروط اجتمعت في رجل كوري واحد. شخصياً، أعتقد أنني سأصوت له، وسأدعم وجوده في البرلمان لعدة أسباب منها:0

أولا: المرشح الكوري لن يشتري ذمم الناخبين وأصواتهم بالمناسف والدنانير

 ثانياً: في حال وصوله إلى البرلمان، النائب الكوري لن يستغل منصبه لتوظيف أقاربه الكوريين في الوظائف والمناصب الحكومية

ثالثاً: على الأغلب أنّ النائب الكوري لن يشهر سلاحاً تحت قبة البرلمان

رابعاً: النائب الكوري يمكن انتقاد أدائه ومحاسبته بأريحية كونه لا يستند إلى “عزوة” قد تحول الموضوع إلى ثأر ومسألة شخصية (مقطوع من شجرة)خ

لكن إن نسينا الافتراضات الجدلية وعدنا إلى الواقع سنجد أن المرأة الأردنية حين تطالب بمنح جنسيتها لأبنائها فهي على الأرجح لا تفكر في أن تراهم يوماً نواباً في البرلمان أو أعضاءً في الحكومة (أيّ أم قد تتمنى لابنها مثل هذا المصير؟) المرأة الأردنية حين تطالب بحق منح جنسيتها لأبنائها هي في الواقع تطالب بحقها في المساواة بالرجل الذي أسهمت بقدره في بناء هذا البلد، تطالب باعتبارها مواطناً كاملاً بغض النظر عمن تختار الارتباط به وعدم جعل ذلك مجالاً للانتقاص من مواطنتها أو التشكيك فيها أسوة بالرجل. هي تطالب بحق أبنائها في أن يكبروا ببلد يعترف بهم، ذلك البلد الذي علمتهم أن يحبوه قبل أن يدركوا أنه يصنفهم كغرباء عنه. إنها تطالب بحقهم في أن هوية ثابتة واضحة، انتماء لبلد ربما لم يعرفوا غيره، تطالب بحقهم في أن يكونوا أردنيين على المستوى الرسمي، طالما هم أردنيون على جميع المستويات الأخرى.0

28 responses

  1. Pingback: جنسية أمي حق "طبيعي" لي - 7iber

  2. وطن بديل ؟ عمين بتخوتو ؟ مهو وطن بديل اصلا اذا بدنا نحكي الضفة فلسطين مش تابعة للاردن، فاحنا بالوطن البديل من ال 1948، وبتقلي فش وطن بديل ؟

    اذا بدنا نحكي انو الضفة الغربية هية تابعة للاردن، لانو قبل الخمسينات كانت “امارة شرق الاردن فقط” وبعد قرار الاتحاد\الانضمام صارت المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية يبقى اراضي الاردن ! (الضفة الغربية) محتلّة ومن يسكنها مواطنون اردنيون بغض النظر عن اوراقهم الثبوتية

    مواليد الكويت وانكحشنا منها في التسعين وعشنا في الاردن والضفة والكل شمتان فينا، اهل الضفة بحكو علينا تبعون جابر و خونة، اهل الاردن بحكو علينا إنّا من (غَربَه) وبلجيكية واهل الكويت بحكو علينا فلسطن و زلمات

    نفسي اركب طيارة واحكي
    Am going home.

      • sorry that the sad truth offended you, am open to discussion, and btw am against discrimination of any type, with what ever side was it.

      • “… am open to discussion”… Actions speak louder than words! Read your comment and then you can understand why I do not want to be humiliated for the sake of a discussion that I just stumbled upon in a blog.

        It is not your mistake. The Blog owner should have said something and not allowed such kind of words to be used in the discussion.

        I can understand the bitterness you feel, but this does give you the right to use what words you used!

        Good luck Sir.

      • Nope, sir. The blog’s owner is not responsible for people’s opinions voiced here. I am not a law enforcement officer. There are very few cases where I would delete a comment like when it involves straight out obscenity, blasphemy or personal slander. Other than that anyone can discuss and express their opinions freely.

  3. Yes. I am sorry you felt any disrespect by another commenter here but that doesn’t mean I had to interfere, or that I agree with everything being said here. We are mature adults having a conversation and everyone is responsible for their own opinions.

    • You wrote: “The blog’s owner is not responsible for people’s opinions voiced here. I people’s opinions voiced here”:
      Do you think that عم تتخوث… وفالج لا تعالج falls under “people’s opinion” who need to express them “freely”? Do you think that these two setences can be described by any of the following nouns “straight out obscenity, blasphemy or personal slander”?

      I am sorry. By allowing, I meant not that you start working as “a law enforcement officer”. You should have pointed out how nice they are and not have deleted them. We are not after censorship… at least in blog.

      In summary, it these comments decreased the respect of anyone or anything, then I believe that they might have decreased the respect of (1) those who wrote them, and (2) the blog owner who read them, thought that they are OK by not commenting on them, and more disasterously, defended them as “people’s opinions”.

      I am sorry. There are a lot of courses and workshops that are held on what democracy is. I think that the majority of Arabs need to attend them. At least, to discriminate between what is “people’s opinion”, and expressing your opinion politely without attacking the person in front of them and wishing them “stroke” (You can see some “beautiful” photos here: https://www.google.de/search?hl=en&biw=1422&bih=703&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=patient+with+stroke&oq=patient+with+stroke&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24.67767.70062.0.70250.….0…1c.1.37.img..8.11.575.vjq4xYnKaxg)

      No one has ever attacked me as the above in a foreign blog. I rarely comment on Arabic blogs. In the past, I thought that it is a disadvantage for me not to blog in English. Now, I think that it is a disadvantage for me not to read only in English!

      All respect.

      • فالج لا تعالج as I understood was directed at the subject of the blog post itself, not at you. Again I’m sorry you feel that way, but I didn’t see anything way too out of line here, just some comments stemming out of frustration which is understandable. Besides I can’t judge what people say when I myself use sarcasm in my blog posts all the time, so I might be accused of having double standards. Yes, this might not be a very politically correct blog and I don’t think it should be a problem for anyone.

      • I understand the frustration but I do not understand that this gives you the right to use words such as “فالج لا تعالج وبتتخوث “. And yes, do these words fall under the term “sarcasm”?

      • 1- I didn’t use these words.
        2- Those words weren’t directed at you.
        3- They are not disrespectful especially when not directed at one person in particular.
        4- Yes, they could be classified under sarcasm depending on the context.

      • 1. This is your blog. This is not a big problem. The huge problem is that you defended these words.
        2. One word “بتتخوث” is directly adressed at me. The second word maybe. I cannot say that “these words were directed at me” just like you cannot say that “these words weren’t direct at you”.
        3. Let me pleae understand why these words are not respectful. If you wishes only “one person” stroke, and you accused him of acting like someone who is “اخوث”, then this is disrespectuful. But, “when [these words are] not directed at one person in particular.”, they are not disrpectful??????? Do you know the financial cost of treating a stroke patient? Can you imagine the feelings of stroke patients being not able to hear, see, speak, or move (if they were not dead or unconscious in the first place)?

        4. Please, can you tell me one context in which wishing “more than one person” stroke, or labeling “more than one person” as beingn like أخوث is OK?

    • Who’s talking about a stroke? I think you’re making a big deal out of nothing. I didn’t defend the words I explained them and tried to remove the misunderstanding.

      There is nothing wrong with saying بتتخوثوا as it’s not directed at an individual person

      And فالج لا تعالج was meant at the issue itself, that it’s hopeless

      I think you should try and be a little less sensitive, you look like a confident person, such trifles should not disturb you

      Have a good day

      • Miss Eliwat,

        As I wrote below, I do not know much about the topic that you are discussing. OK… Falej la T3alej can have two meanings… Either the situation… or when you wish it for someone. You are saying that it is meant at the issue itslef and not me… OK!

        Concerning بتتخوثوا… The author addressed me with it because I raised the issue of “الوطن البديل”. This is why I continued in the discussion. I understood that you are defending him saying it TO ME. Do you? The commenter thinks that it is OK to use بتتخوثوا. I do not think that is respectuful. This is why I asked him if he will say to his father: بتتخوث يابا؟. If he will say it to his father, then I would accept that he say it to me.

        I am not disturbed. I am just continuing for the sake of discussion, especially when a blogger like you, with published books, defends pepole saying بتتخوثوا as “personal opinions”.

        Miss Eliwat, I do not know the other guy, but you could have ended this whole discussion by saying that you do not agree with people in your blog using words such as بتتخوثوا to address other commenters! I would have said that in my Blog!

  4. no offense again, but if you think “عم تتخوتو” and notice the “و” in the word is humiliating and disrespectful, then you dude either live in Canada, or you’ve been abroad for a long period of time.. xD

    am not sure if you Googled “فالج لا تعالج” and i honestly didn’t know it’s precise meaning until you mentioned it above as “offensive or disrespectful” word, and it turned out as i expected “المعنى حالة ميؤوس منها ولا امل في علاجها .” which is the case of kids of a Jordanian mom who are not by law entitled for a Jordanian nationality.

    i was reading your comment, and stopped on “Democracy”, then i realized i shouldn’t move on.

    twisting words (making تتخوتو – which i specifically used to ensure no fingers were pointed towards anyone/no feelings hurt- to تتخوث) and considering “فالج لا تعالج” an offensive word and considering it personal, implies your role model must have some “sensitive” and “center of the universe” issues.

    i would rather sir to consider switching to better one, here is a link on how “If you’re not pissing someone off, you probably aren’t doing anything important”, and how to be a polite A**hole.


    you sir have a good day 🙂

    • الفالج: http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC
      الصورة الفنية تعيسة… وبتتوقع إنه في عشرات الطرق الأخرى للتعبير عن هذا المعنى!!!!

      بتتخوثوا… أخوث… مش ملاقي معناها بسرعة في جوجل… بس سؤال: بستخدم ها الجملة مع أبوك أو أخوك إذا اختلفت معه في راي؟ بتقول لأبوك: بتتخوث يابا؟ أو لما بتحكي مع قرايبك مثلا أو بتكون في الشغل بتحكي مع المسؤولين عنك… واختلفت معهم في نقطة… بتقلهم: لا تكونوا بتتخوثوا يا جماعة الخير؟

      In order that I my role model will not “have have some “sensitive” and “center of the universe” issues.”. Do you advise me to start calling my parents, relatives, friends with بتتخوثوا? While of course my telling them: [“notice the “و” in the word is humiliating and disrespectful,”]
      N.B. I do not understand with you mean by role model here, can you kindly explain.

      What is your reference? Ghandi? A noble piece prize winner? Or sorry, it is a blog post with a lot of shares. Ahaaa. 1,000,000 shares?

      More importantly, does this post say that you should use disrespectful words to express your mind? In the contrary, the people in the Caricateurs in this post are unfortunately expressing their true opinions like what you described, very beautifully again, “polite A**holes.”. That posts does not say that a person need to be rude or use disrespectful words, this posts says that a person need to be direct and say the truth. Many people do not accept that. I totally agree with the post. Please correct me if I am wrong.

      You Sir have a good day too.

  5. Hello Sir, you seem like a nice person xD

    let me try to break it down for you ..

    the word “عم تتخوتو” was used for people who really know the truth, but refuse to admit it, for some reason or another..

    i guess your view about the subject (which btw is the main course here and the word “عم تتخوتو” is the side dish) can be either one of two:

    1. You really believe that there is plan for someone or some group of people with a hidden agenda [like it would make a difference] to create something called “الوطن البديل” for Palestinians (or what left of them in the west-bank or 2 – now 5 – years passport holders in Jordan with no National ID); which (i mean “الوطن البديل” ) already exists IMHO if you consider the first line of my first comment on this post, hence the word “عم تتخوتو” does not apply to your innocent thinking, it is mentioned to shed some light on the lie that you’ve been told or trying to convince yourself with (that “الوطن البديل” does not exist; YET) and try to wake you up from it.

    2. You already believe “الوطن البديل” exists according to the first line of my comment in the original post, and you are using the term to create a state of Palestino Phobia amongst -if you are of a discriminating type; which i don’t think so, correct it me if i am wrong- “Genuine” Jordanian people, or to serve a certain agenda such as discrimination between Palestinians and Jordanians, or to miscarry such a law that gives the Jordanian woman the right to pass the Jordanian passport to her children in order to limit the Palestinians Quota in Jordan, or for the sake of Influential people behind the curtain who will be benefited from the USA/UN/Israel reimbursements per Palestinian head /home in order to create such “الوطن البديل”, then this the word “عم تتخوتو” is used to cover devil’s plan you are trying to utilize, for non-humanistic materialistic purposes.

    you pick one of those, if the answer is non of the above, please feel free to express your opinion about “الوطن البديل” without being sensitive, as such topic, was it “الوطن البديل” or discrimination needs to put feelings aside, and think with wisdom and logic.

    you sir have a nice weekend 😉

    • The way you are defending your point of views is ratinal and methodlogical, but I do not think that you need words such as عم بتتخوثوا to describe anyone who belongs for the two categories you are describing. I will not enter the issue of Jordanian and Palestinians. I have a lot of “friends” of palestinian origin and they can tell you if I am discriminating or not. I just dropped a few words in a topic that I do not know much about, and I was then addressed in a way that I do not expect.

      Sir, I learnt something in life, even if you have perfect point of views and you have the absolute truth, if you speak arrogantly, not to mention in a humiliating way (like بتتخوثوا… وبالمناسبة ما جاوبت سؤالي إذا بتقول لأبوك بتتخوث يابا… ولا جاوبت على أي سؤال من الأسئلة اللي سألتلك إياها وحتى المقالة اللي حطيتها وعاكست وجهة نظرك), people will not agree with you, or more likely, they will stand against you because it became personal then.

      In summary, I do not know a lot about the topic. I withdrew from the conversation but the blog owners defended the comments that were said against me (at least, she defended بتتخوثوا). This is why I continued. I think I proved my point of view and why your answer was not nice. Good luck in your “fighting” for your point of views…. You will need a lot of it!!!

  6. /facepalm
    If my father really deserve to receive a “بتتخوث” then he’ll get it, so far he didn’t, i just had a funny discussion with my wife today and received one too..she didn’t ask for divorce.. yet xD, I’ll make sure she’ll keep out of this blog to find the truth about this and avoid trouble 😛

    enough internet for the end of the year.

    Dude, try 9gag sometime, am sure you’ll like it

    agollak ya cd, mas7oobeh, roo7 wala za3alak ❤

  7. Pingback: جنسية أمي حق “طبيعي” لي - 7iber | حبر

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